
W = Forward
A = Left
S = Backward
D = Right
Space = Jump
Right Click = Jet [if enabled]
Left Shift= Crouch
R = Sit [if enabled - BAC's pack]
Q = Freeze [if enabled - BAC's pack]
Left arrow key = Rotate left
Right arrow key = Rotate right
E = Action key

Building - you use NUMPAD to build

Numpad 8 = Move brick forward
Numpad 2 = Move brick backward
Numpad 4 = Move brick left
Numpad 6 = Move brick right
Numpad Enter = Place brick
Numpad 1 = Lower brick [small]
Numpad 3 = Raise brick [small]
Numpad + = Raise brick [big]
Numpad 5 = Lower brick [big]
Numpad 9 = Rotate brick right
Numpad 7 = Rotate brick left
Numpad * = Raise brick UP length
Numpad / = Lower brick UP length
Ctrl + E = Open Editor Wand menu [if you have Editor Wand rights]
Numpat . = Open Custom Scale menu [BAC's Pack]
Numpad 0 = Cancel Brick
Z = Undo last brick [Alexis RTB]

NOTE: You must have Num Lock on
NOTE2: I did not put the Custom Scale controls...yet?

Fighting / Building2

Left Mouse button = Fire


1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 = Select the item
ctrl + 1,2,3,4,5,,6,7,8,9,0 = Throw the item
alt + 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 = Select the item second row [BAC's Pack]
alt + ctrl + 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 = Throw the item second row [BAC's Pack]
F = Un-equip the current item


T = Global Talk [Can be disabled by admin - Moderate Server in Admin menu]
Y = Team Talk [if you are in a team]
U = Local Chat [Alexis RTB]
Ctrl + T = Private chat to someone [Can be disabled by admin - PTTA Menu; BAC's Pack]


M = BAC's Pack menu [BAC's Pack]
Ctrl + M = Radar menu [BAC's Pack]
Ctrl + A = Admin menu
Ctrl + S = Player menu
Ctrl + K = Instantly Die
Ctrl + V = Voting menu
Ctrl + O = Options menu
J = Wrench menu [BAC's Pack]
K = Magic Wand menu [BAC's Pack]
F8 = No Clip [Admin]
F7 = Teleport to No Clip current location [Admin]
Tab = Switch 1ST / 3RD view.
X = Zoom [mouse wheel to change zoom level] [BAC's Pack]
Left Control = [3RD View] rotate your head (And your camera) [BAC's Pack]
Alt + S = Screenshot [On BAC's Pack you should remove Radar]